Florida Singles Reveals How To Talk To A Crush & Make Him Fall For You


Use these helpful and sneaky ways to initiate a conversation with your crush and before you know it, he will have an even bigger crush on you.  Find out how to make him fall for you with Florida Singles.


Talking to your crush and letting him know how you feel is actually the easy part.  But creating the foundation the right way to ensure your crush falls for you, that is the tricky part, explains Florida Singles

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How To Talk To Him


The thought of starting a conversation with him could make you feel like you have butterflies in your stomach, but it’s not as hard as you think it is.  And before you know it, you and him will start talking to each other. 


Great Ways To Initiate A Conversation With Him


Your crush probably knows there is something going on, they might think they have a crush on you, not the other way around.  Now, what you have to do here is start a conversation with him, but subtly, explains Florida Singles, without making it too obvious that you want to talk to him.


Use these helpful ways from Florida Singles to initiate a conversation with him.  You can pick one, or choose as many as you want.  But whatever you do, don’t make it obvious that you’re trying to make it a meet cute. 


And just remember to play it safe and don’t try to stretch things out the first time you and him talk to each other.  The first time you and him talk should be a brief and quick encounter, explains Florida Singles, but long enough to make both of you feel like acquaintances.


1. Ask For His Help


The easiest way to start a conversation with him is to ask for his help, explains Florida Singles.  If you notice that the man you’re interested in is standing nearby, then pretend you’re looking for something, a book, an ingredient, an office, or even a person.  Look around and act as if you are in need of some help.  At this point, you can lock eyes with him and ask him a question.  “Hey, do you know what ingredient I need for this,” “Do you know where I can find (a specific book from an author),” or “Do you know which office is Human Resources?”  Once you get him to answer your question, then you can start talking to him, thank him, and smile. 


2. You Can Drop Something


If you happen to be walking in front of the man you’re interested in, or even past him you can accidentally drop something in front of him, whether it’s a piece of paper, your pen, or even your purse.  Men are very helpful when it comes to women, explains Florida Singles.  And if he happens to see you drop something, this should definitely spark a conversation with him.  And hey, if he doesn’t notice it, no big deal.


3. Try Using Social Media Sites


You can use Facebook to your advantage by commenting on something your crush has previous commented on.  This will help you as long as you both have common friends.  You don’t have to write something to him directly, it just needs to be seen by him, explains Florida Singles.  His curiosity will get the best of him and he’s more likely to check your Facebook profile to find out more about you.


You need to remember that the key to getting him to like you is to get him to believe he’s the one who has the crush on you, not the other way around, explains Florida Singles


4. Smile As You Walk Past Him


When you’re walking by him and he’s alone, give him a little smile and even say hello to him.  But whatever you do, don’t stop and talk to him, explains Florida Singles, just walk past him and say hello in a friendly manner.


5. Get Friendly With His Friends


Do you and him have friends in common?  Then, this is your time to get to know them better.  Do not reveal to his friends that you have a crush on him, instead try to initiate a conversation with them from time to time.  This is a great way to find out things about the man you’re interested in without approaching him directly, explains Florida Singles


6. When You Bump Into Each Other


If you happen to bump into him, accidently or otherwise, don’t become shy.  Instead of walking away from the scene or trying to look the other way, smile and say hello to him.  He has been waiting for the opportunity to talk to you and this is a great chance for him to do it.  If he starts a conversation, keep it short, explains Florida Singles.


7. You Can Request Him On Facebook


If you both have been exchanging glances with each other, whether it’s at work, the street, a coffee shop, or even commenting on the same posts on Facebook, then that’s a perfect excuse to send him a Facebook friend request.  After all, talking on Facebook can take some of the anxiety and pressure away from talking face to face, explains Florida Singles


After You And Him Had A Conversation


When both of you start talking to each other, he might start giving you a lot of attention, but don’t ever get too clingy or start falling too hard for him, explains Florida Singles.  Play it cool and make it seem like there is mutual interests from both sides.  Don’t give him too much attention all at once, your crush should pursue you as much as you pursue him.


One thing you must never do is fall into that friend zone, explains Florida Singles, and this happens when you come to the help of your crush.  Be nice and friendly to him, but tease him, leave him wanting you as more than just a friend. 


Don’t ever be jealous.  Don’t get jealous or rude when you notice he’s talking to another woman.  Remember that you are not in a relationship together yet, explains Florida Singles, and you have no right to tell him who to talk to.  If you display this type of behavior in front of him, he’s going to get annoyed with you and could even be turned off. 


It is very easy to get your crush to like you as long as you follow these helpful tips from Florida Singles to start talking to your crush.  Remember to play it safe and slow, never rush things along too soon.  You must always build the romance first.  Before you know it, your crush will fall for you, almost as hard as you’ve fallen for him.